Forum Rules

General Rules

When you become a member of any website, forum, or blog, you are required to follow a certain set of rules. While you are a member posting at PromoForum, you have a set of rules to follow. The rules are outlined througout this page. Please take a few moments to get aquainted with them. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the Feedback & Support board.

  • Anything that is posted to this forum must adhere to the ProBoards Terms of Service. If your post breaks the PB TOS, it will be removed. Multiple occurances will result in an permanent ban.
  • Spamming on our forum is forbidden. Anyone caught will automatically receive a permanent ban from our forum.
  • Be respectful to all members. This includes the staff.
  • Advertising is allowed in certain areas of the forum. Do not post advertisements where they are not specifically said to be permitted.
  • Thread hijacking is frowned upon and is not permitted on our forum. In simple terms, do not turn a user's thread into a different discussion based on your own ideas. Simply, create your own thread.
  • Flaming members is not permitted. Do not give people a hard time, don't call them names, don't cuss at them, do not argue with them, etc. Try to be nice and get along with everyone. It will keep peace amongst the community.
  • Each member is permitted to have one account. There is no need for multiple accounts.
  • Common sense is a must have for all members on our forums. Any posts to our forum should contribute to threads in a productive manner. You should strive for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Write in complete sentences.
  • Illegal content is not permitted on our forums. Illegal content includes, but is not limited to the following:
    • Pirated or nulled software, movies, music, television shows, etc.
    • Pornography
    • Anything that promotes discrimination
    • Promotion of illegal drugs, alcohol, or extreme violence
    • Anything related to "hacking"
  • Backseat Moderation is not permitted. Do not reply to posts telling users they aren't allowed to post something. Instead, report the post so our Mod Squad can take care of it. It's their job. Also, this will help the community avoid public arguments.
  • Illegal activity such as scamming, hacking, abuse of the forum by way of stealing content, designs, etc. is not permitted.

Staying Safe Online

Generally, into today's society, online safety has become quite an issue. It is recommended that you read over the following information pertaining to staying safe online.

  • Do not share your full name with any member of the forum.
  • Do not share your account information such as password or email address.
  • Do not share your physical address or phone number with any member of the forum. The only time this is warranted is for special events such as the Christmas Card Exchange and/or Secret Santa.
  • If a member of our forum is harassing you, report it immediately. You can either report it to an administrator or the Mod Squad (MS) leader. Be sure that you include screenshots with proof of your allegation(s) so that actions can be taken immediately.
  • Report any threats of violence, death threats, and suicide to the forum Founder Teg.


While we allow users to post images to the forums, we do ask that your images do not contain extreme violence, anything illegal or inappropriate. Additionally, images of large proportions—images that will stretch the boards—should be posted using the Add Attachment option when creating a post or thread in full reply view.


We encourage all of our members to either upload their own avatar or use our forum's built in Default Avatar Creator. If you choose to upload your own avatar, the dimensions should be 150px by 150px. If it is larger, the image will be adjusted upon saving your avatar settings. * NOTE: All image rules apply to avatars.


Our forum allows users to provide content in the forum signature after a certain number of posts have been established. The following set of rules apply to signatures.

  • Signature images should be no larger than 500px wide and 100px high.
  • User's are allowed up to five links in their forum signature. These links should be links to your website, forum, or blog and/or the same of another member. Additionally, you can have links to your social media profiles.
  • All links and images in forum signatures must adhere to the ProBoards TOS and our Forum Rules.
  • Links in forum signatures can contain bold, italic, underline, and/or colored properties. Do not increase the font size in signature links.

Becoming A Staff Member

At times, our forum staff may need to expand or we may have to replace a staff member who's retired or been let go. During this time, an annoucement will be made letting the members know that specific teams are hiring. You will be given a brief description of the job and will be required to submit an application to the person specified.

If you bug any staff member about become a staff member, your chances of becoming a part of the team will be hindered. We frown upon begging. If this becomes an ongoing problem, you will not be eligible for a staff position on our forums.

When we hire staff, we look at your standing with the forum. How active are you? Do you post quality and productive content? Do you have any staff notes or official warnings? All of those things, and more, are considered upon review of your application.

* NOTE: All forum rules are subject to be changed at any time. New rules will be added as the staff deems them to be fit.

If you have any questions or concerns, we urge you to post them in the Feedback & Support board linked in the first paragraph of this section.